Ongoing Compliance
Assurance (OCA™)
Already a DISP member and need help in maintaining compliance? Perhaps you're looking to start your DISP journey and want someone to manage the entire process from start to finish, including providing ongoing support? Our Ongoing Compliance Assurance (OCA™) Program could be the solution you're looking for.
Having supported more than 100 clients to attain their Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) membership, we firmly believe that our experience with the program is unrivalled. Armed with this knowledge and practical experience, we support businesses from across the country to not only achieve, but maintain their DISP membership, at a variety of different levels.
In order to maintain your DISP membership, you are required to fulfill a variety of ongoing obligations, with many of these being the responsibility of your elected Security Officer (SO).
These ongoing obligations include, but are not limited to:
DSPF Compliance
Complying with the Defence Security Principles Framework (DSPF), which is regularly updated.
Security Clearances
Managing security clearances and conducting overseas travel briefings/debriefings.
Employee Training
Keeping employees up to date with annual Security Awareness
and Insider Threat Training.
Audit Activities
Complying with audit and assurance activities.
SRA Management
Frequently undertaking, reviewing and updating Security Risk Assessments.
Maintaining Policies, Plans & Procedures
Ensuring that all documentation meets the latest DISP regulations.
In addition to the expert Gap Analysis and Implementation Support that is provided as part of our DISP membership attainment service, we offer our unique Ongoing Compliance Assurance (OCA™) Program.
Through our OCA™ Program, not only would your DISP membership be maintained by ongoing and periodic support, it also allows regular contact with our team of Defence and security experts. This means a reduced burden on your internal staff capacity, a minimisation of the costs associated with Defence security audits/assurance activities, and most of all, peace of mind.
The De Stefano & Co OCA™ Program includes the following combination of scheduled and ad-hoc DISP support services:
In addition to the above services, you will be subscribed to receive our monthly Security Update, a digest of the latest security news, which includes:
The latest DISP updates and changes
Security tips and reminders
Current threats to be aware of
Information we receive from the Defence Industry Security Branch (DISB)
If you would like more information, or wish to join the OCA™ Program and become part of our community of like-minded businesses, please call 1300 GET DISP (1300 438 347), or complete the form below.
Alternatively, if you would prefer an ongoing compliance solution where the heavy lifting is given to our Defence and security professionals, visit our Security Officer Support as a Service (SOSaaS) page.