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Physical Security Uplift

Looking to increase your capability in supporting Defence? An uplift in physical security and formal accreditation is the next logical step.

If you have the requirement for security classified information or assets to be used, transmitted, stored or discussed within your organisation, you will need an area that is certified and accredited.


At De Stefano & Co, we have a team of experts with extensive backgrounds in this area, including complex physical security design, certification, accreditation and ongoing operational compliance support. We are proficient in the interpretation and practical application of the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF), the Defence Security Principles Framework (DSPF) and the Information Security Manual (ISM).


We have an unrivalled understanding of the framework underpinning these physical security accreditation requirements. Armed with this knowledge and real-world practical experience, we are well placed to support your business in meeting its uplift objectives.

Our process

We simplify the physical security uplift process for our clients by breaking the work down into four main phases:


The process of understanding your business requirements, the level of accreditation needed (Zones 1-5) and initial achievability.


The process of understanding where your facility currently sits in comparison to the requirements of the nominated accreditation level. A comprehensive report is provided which details any gaps identified and the recommendations for closing those gaps.


Implementation support, including policy and procedure development, security induction, training and awareness and operational set-up. This also includes development of an extensive accreditation package, support with audit/assurance activities and project management of the whole uplift process.


An annual program to ensure ongoing physical security compliance which includes the provision of regular updates around physical security policies and procedures, an annual security review, ongoing operational support, support in preparing

re-accreditation paperwork and more.

If you are unsure of where to start, or would like our team to guide you through or manage the accreditation process, please complete the form on our Contact page, or get in touch with our friendly team on 1300 GET DISP (1300 438 347).

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